LHS Inspires all students to become confident lifelong learners and responsible citizens who are ready to meet the challenges of the future using their unique talents and potential
We accomplish this vision through our commitment to high expectations and achievement for all students, whatever pathway they choose. In partnership with families and community, we encourage students to become knowledgeable, critical thinkers; effective communicators; and healthy individuals who exercise self-discipline and productive, positive citizenship.
1. Students are knowledgeable critical thinkers who:
• demonstrate mastery of rigorous academic standards
• utilize a variety of skills to problem solve
• demonstrate organization and time-management
• set reasonable and challenging personal goals
• attain a 21st century skill set of collaboration and application
2. Students are effective communicators who:
• demonstrate technical literacy
• listen, speak, read, and write effectively for and with a diverse audience and purpose,
focusing on inclusivity, belonging, and equity.
• affirm the dignity and worth of others from diverse backgrounds
3. Students are healthy individuals who:
• work effectively and fairly with others from all backgrounds, using conflict resolution
• exercise self-discipline and safe living
• demonstrate positive, inclusive, ethical, and productive citizenship, understanding
and enacting the values of diversity, belonging, and equity
• establish, practice, and support good hygiene, proper nutrition, and physical fitness